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Big Breakfast E Liquids
Big Breakfast e liquids are one of the most popular, and most enjoyable American cereal-based e juices on the market. Not only do these sweet and fun e liquids taste just like your favourite breakfasts, they enable you enjoy the most important meal-based vape of the day on the go.
A short fill range, these 100ml zero nicotine liquids come in 120ml bottles enabling you to fill up the gap left either with your own nicotine shot or with those provided. Short fills are becoming increasing popular for a number of reasons, not least because they offer you the opportunity to completely customise your favourite high VG e liquid with whatever nicotine strength suits your needs best. With the TDP regulations putting a cap on the strengths a retailer can sell, short fills are a way of giving the power of choice back to the vaper.
As well as being created by expert mixologists in order to taste simply fantastic, and of course brilliant from nicotine aspect, these high VG e liquids, with up to 80% VG in the base, offer additional benefits. If you are a sub ohm vaper, are looking for a new dripping liquid or perhaps are in need of some seriously big vape clouds infused with your favourite Big Breakfast flavour, you are in the right place.